Sunday, 17 January 2010

Emerging contours of Business Education

In this short 11 minute interview with McKinsey Quarterly, Blair Sheppard, dean of Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business explains how the Business Education is shaping globally. Highlights: 
  • Changing attitudes/interests of students - broadening horizons
  • Need for a shift from the inter-disciplinary structure to an inter-scholastic structure
  • Industry's need for humble leaders and how to create them
  • Emergence of B Schools as truly global, more industry specific and a clear demarcation between the top notch schools and mediocre schools

NITIE - my alma-mater partially at least qualifies as futuristic in terms of having a deeply ingrained structure to develop humble leaders - students run the school in most dimensions and have an amazing exposure to team-work/ leadership while on campus!!


  1. I must say NITIE does that - it gives immense responsibilities to students but there is a lot of room to improve on the academic front

  2. best part of the education at NITIE is it gives you complete FREEDOM. You can do what you want to do...Its up to want to be a Leader, an Entrepreneur, a Sports person, an Academician or a "Chatur Ramalingam" (3 idiots) :-).
