Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Only today I realized that I could Twitter (verb) something to Barkha Dutt and Pritish Nandy and be heard too! On first sight it looked like the T20 version of Networking - 
  • 140 characters is all you get to say what you want to
  • Established names don't matter- anybody can (reach everybody and) influence opinion
I perhaps joined the Twitter bandwagon a tad late - I initially opined that a venture without a business model wouldn't last and didn't care. I now see an important reason to ensure that a platform like Twitter lasts and evolves to be a more useful tool. It remarkably connects people in influencing positions to pulse of the subjects. If outsourcing flattened the divide between economies, Twitter not only flattens the divide between the big bosses and the peasantry, it has the potential to eliminate it!  

Way to go Tharoor!


  1. Well said ra!

    Twitter has influenced the web economy to a large extend during 2009 and it will continue to do so in the coming few years too.

    I too was surprised when people like Guy Kawasaki have responded and shared their opinions on my tweets :)

    It's going to be tweetecronomy till some thing new comes up :)

  2. 'Tweetecronomy' - hahaha!

    Is this a twitter jargon or one of your creation?
    Good one though!

  3. Even i ignored lot of tvitter invitations....u suggested then i try!! Its so simple!
